Our Commitment to Child Safety and Protection
Safeguarding children and young people is our highest priority at the YMCA. We want them to feel safe and be safe at the YMCA, in their families, and in their communities.
YMCAs in Canada have collectively committed to the safety and protection of all children and young people participating in all aspects of our programs. The National Child Safety and Protection Initiative is the YMCA’s coordinated effort for ensuring safety standards in our programs through ongoing policy, training, supervision requirements, reporting protocols, and facility controls.
SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN – General Policy Statement
YMCA of Cumberland is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people in its care. The right to be able to enjoy safe environments free from threats, abuse, neglect or exploitation is our service commitment. We work hard to ensure the safeguarding of children and young people is embedded in our culture and at the forefront of everything we do.
If there are concerns about a child or in the case abuse is suspected, please contact our local child protection agency, contact Family and Children Services at (902)667-3336
Child Protection Representative at the YMCA of Cumberland is Renee Lusby. If you have any concerns at our location please email renee.lusby@cumberland.ymca.ca or by phone at (902)667-9112.