The YMCA of Cumberland Community Development department works to improve YMCAs capacity to support the needs of our community, with a focus on homelessness prevention and food security.
To access services at the Community Development office, please contact the Intake Coordinator at
902-614-1500 or jack.burgess@cumberland.ymca.ca to begin the intake process.
Click below for the new intake forms, if you wish to include them in your initial email.

Homelessness Prevention and Outreach
Housing Support
Provides support, advocacy, and services for general public on housing matters. Can assist with leases, public housing applications including priority access, rental subsidy applications including supported subsides, ID acquisition, landlord communication, service navigation, advocacy and tenancy rights. Financial assistance may be provided on a case-by-case basis.
Contact- Vanessa McManaman
T: 902-669-1013 E: vanessa.mcmanaman@cumberland.ymca.ca
Diversion Support
Provides support, advocacy, and services for clients entering or exiting institutions such as hospitals or corrections. Can assist with leases, public housing applications including priority access, rental subsidy applications including supported subsides, ID acquisition, landlord communication, service navigation, advocacy and tenancy rights. Financial assistance may be provided on a case-by-case basis.
Contact- Brooklyn Beatty
T: 902-669-0578 E:brooklyn.beatty@cumberland.ymca.ca
Intensive Case Manager
Provides coordination and management of services for clients with complex housing situations. Works with high needs clients who have or need multiple support services to obtain or retain housing. Can assist with service coordination, system navigation, narrow and broad goal setting, advocacy, and case planning.
Contact- Ellen Gaudet
T: 902-614- 3540 E: ellen.gaudet@cumberland.ymca.ca
Trusteeship Coordinator
Receives client’s income and pays their bills in order of importance as a homelessness prevention measure. Assists clients with financial management skills, budgeting, rental subsidy applications, advocacy, ID and document acquisition, grant applications, and system navigation.
Contact- Jeel Desai
T: 902-669-1526 E: trusteeymca@cumberland.ymca.ca
Housing Stability Coordinator
Ensure sustainability and longevity of housing placements. Provides guidance and teaches life skills to help clients maintain their housing. Assist with landlord communication, system navigation, goal setting, and interpersonal skills.
Contact- Emily Atkinson
T: 902-614-1373 E: emily.atkinson@cumberland.ymca.ca
Coordinator Access Lead
Manages the by-names list and the coordinated access program. Performs assessment tools such as SPDAT to assess client need.
Contact- Jack Burgess
T: 902-614-1500 E: jack.burgess@cumberland.ymca.ca
Community Kitchen
A weekly meal program offered every Wednesday from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Everyone welcome, free-will offerings are excepting to help with the continuity of this program. Lunch bags are available to those in need daily.
Donate today!
As a charity, the YMCA of Cumberland is able to continue these programs thanks to donations from individuals and businesses. Donate today, here. You can also mail a cheque to PO Box 552, Amherst, NS B4H4A1 or visit our membership services desk.