Our provincial YMCA YREACH Program provides information, orientation, and settlement/integration support to Immigrants, Refugees, and their families of all ages who are new to rural Nova Scotia.
YREACH staff work within rural communities and local partners to raise awareness, advocate, educate and help build the capacity of Nova Scotian’s to be welcoming and inclusive.
The YREACH Staff help support clients with independence, education, housing, employment services and support with social engagement. Our Staff also helps support newcomers with navigating and integrating into different aspects of their settlement to Nova Scotia.
Our program includes:
In -person Individual settlement services, Group Settlement Support to build social networks, On-site School Settlement, Community Collaborations, Referrals, English as an additional language instruction, Employer support with the Atlantic Immigration Project (AIP), Awareness Raising Presentations related to cultural diversity and immigration barriers and challenges.
If you’re interested in further information about our services please contact us below.
Cumberland County locations are….
YREACH Settlement Support – Amherst
Rachel Smith
Direct: (902) 397-3915
Email: rachel.smith@halifax.ymca.ca
YREACH Settlement Support – Oxford
Anas Alwar
Direct: (902) 220-9437
Email: anas.alawar@halifax.ymca.ca